Easter Sunrise Worship @ 6:15 am
Join for a special Easter worship of singing, praying and reading Scripture while we experience the sunrise. Everyone is invited to enjoy a hot breakfast after worship at the church (141 East Gay Street).
9:30 AM Praise Worship
Come and join us for a worship with Praise music led by a band, children's church and program during worship!
11:00 AM Traditional Worship
In the traditional Easter worship, we will sing hymns led by the organ, be blessed by the choir and celebrate the empty tomb!

Join us for Easter Worship at 6:15 am, 9:30 or 11 am

Easter worship is a day of celebrating that Christ is risen! At each of our Easter Worship services, we will sing, pray and celebrate the Good news! The tomb is EMPTY!
At each of our Easter worship service, we will serve holy communion. Here at UMCburg, EVERYONE is welcome to the table and remember Christ's body broken for us all and Christ's blood shed for all for the forgiveness of sins.