
 We believe in creating space for people to have meaningful encounters with Christ and one another.

Church Groups 

United Women of Faith
Women of faith meet the third Tuesday of the following months: Sept., Oct., Nov., Feb., March, April and May.
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men meet on the ___ Monday of each month. They meet for dinner and discussion at The college Ministry building on campus at ___ Holden Street. 
Open Bible Discussion Group
An adult Bible study for all ages at 8:30 am - 9:15 am. Leader is Shelby Seelinger, srslseelinger@charter.net
Aldersgate Sunday School
This is an adult Sunday School class held every Sunday at 9:30 am.
Young Adult Women's Study
On Monday's from 6 to 7 pm, a group of young adult women get together to grow in their faith through studying the scripture and message from each Sunday worship. If you are interested in this group, contact Viha at viharikaboyapati361@gmail.com
Lenten Study
We are offering THREE different sessions of a Lenten study on Mondays. The sessions are:
Noon to 1 pm
7-8 pm
Contact Sandy Davis if you are interested in joining, sdavis36301@yahoo.com
Care Team
We have a care team that meets the FIRST Thursday of every other month at 10 am to pray for those on our care list. Meeting dates are: May 1, June 5, July 3, Aug 7, Sept. 4, Oct. 2, Nov. 6 and Dec. 4. The care team is responsible for weekly or monthly visits to people who are home-bound, at care facilities or in the hospital. Contact Vicki Ollison if you would like to be a part of the Care Team, eagle11@charter.net

Community Groups

Second Chance AA

Meet at 6:15 on Thursdays in room 141. The leader is Craig Mayeux.

Overeaters Anonymous

Tuesdays at 6:00 pm
Meet in Room 141

Cub Scouts 399/Troup 400

Scouts of America
There are Scouts of America groups that meet several nights during the week at the church. Contact Steve Mills for more information for what is offered. 
Other Community groups:
Alcoholics Anonymous
This group meets at 6 pm on Thursdays in Room 241.
  • Quilter's Group: 3rd Monday of the month
  • PEO groups
  • Choir Practice: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
  • Praise Team practice: Thursdays at 5:30 pm