Newcomers Class

Are you thinking about joining the church but have questions about how to get connected? Come join us in Room 235 for a one-time class at two different times to...

Volunteer Appreciation Sunday

We want to honor all of the hard work done by volunteers for the church. We will be honoring volunteers during each service and providing treats for all in the...

Pot-luck Sponsored by Dining Dimensions

Please bring a covered dish and join us in the Family Life Center for food and fun. Bring your favorite game to share. Service and drinks will be provided. Date:...

Newcomers Class

Are you thinking about joining the church but have questions about how to get connected? Come join us in Room 235 for a one-time class at two different times to...

Vacation Bible School “I Wonder…”

The United Methodist Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School at the First United Methodist Church of Warrensburg, MO. May 30th-June 2nd | 5:30pm - 7:30pm Ages: 3-12 Located at...


Mission U 2023

Three adult study courses are offered: a spiritual growth study, an issue study, and a geographic study. All adults will attend the spiritual growth study: Created for Happiness: Understanding Your...


Small Group Start Up Meeting

Come join us in a discussion of a small group start-up plan. Will be led by Pastor Peter and Paulette Moore. Date: 7/26/2023 Time: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Ages:...

Fifth Sunday Single Service

By popular demand, our church will celebrate together as one church on the fifth Sunday, July 30. The single service will begin at 9:30 am followed by a time of...

Aldersgate Class Small Group

Please come join a group of adults sharing an hour of stimulating conversation and fellowship that will bring you closer to God. This group meets the first four Sundays of...